Pharmaceutical compounding has ancient roots. Hunter-gatherer societies had some knowledge of the medicinal properties of animals, plants, fungus and bacteria as well as inorganic materials in their environment.
Ancient civilizations used compounding for religion, grooming, keeping the healthy well and treating the ill. These ancient compounders produced the first oils from plants and animals. They discovered poisons and their antidotes. They made ointments for the wounded as well as perfumes for customers.
Pharmacists continued to compound most prescriptions until the early 1950ʼs, when most of the dispensed drugs came directly from large pharmaceutical companies. The science and practice of compounding gradually disappeared. Most pharmacists were no longer trained to compound medications. However, the specialized needs of patients could not be addressed by mass-produced medications.

Compounding medications is experiencing a resurgence of popularity. Itʼs applications are endless! At Echo Pharmacy, we continue to step back in time. We are very excited to be able to serve the unique needs of people. We continue to dedicate ourselves to practice the old- fashioned philosophy of maintaining personal relationships with our customers by listening, caring and helping!